On nitrogen-rich soils it wheathers out quickly. Thyme loves sandy, humusy soils and prefers them to be lean rather than fat. Waterlogging is a death sentence for these otherwise undemanding plants. Although the species tolerates more partial shade than many of its close relatives, the place should not be too shady.
#Mother of thyme from seed full#
Mother of thyme feels most comfortable in full sun. Mother of thyme – cultivation and care Location Inconspicuous nuts develop from the flowers. They magically attract bees and other insects. The characteristic flowers of Thymus praecox lie directly above the dense cushions.

Their colors cover the whole range from pink to carmine red. The flowers sometimes appear as early as May, in the case of the varieties usually from June to August. pseudolanuginosus), an abundantly hairy subspecies, shimmer silver-grey. The leaves of the wooly thyme (Thymus praecox var. The wintergreen leaves of the mother of thyme are oblong to inverted ovate and dark green. A square meter of scented lawn is quickly overgrown with seven plants. To the sides, however, they spread out far and form dense mats. The slightly lignifying shoots do not reach a height of more than 5 centimeters (2 in). No one can cover surfaces as beautifully as mother of thyme. Even though the aromatic herb is edible, it does not have the same importance in cooking and medicine as common thyme.

One thing is for sure, you should plant the mother of thyme as an ornamental plant. Do not be confused by the botanical back and forth. Another time they are offered as wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum), and a ‘Bressingham Seedling’ belongs to the species Thymus doerfleri. Sometimes all creeping varieties are united under Thymus praecox. The natural variation of the genus Thymus with some subspecies makes a clear assignment of garden cultivars difficult, however, especially since the dwarf forms like to interbreed. The variable wild species is hardly found in perennial nurseries. The home of the member of the mint family (Lamiaceae) is in Western Europe. The mother of thyme is also known as creeping thyme because of its mat-forming growth. The botanical name Thymus praecox already indicates that this thyme blooms “early”. W inter hardiness: hardy, USDA Plant Hardiness Zones: 6 (-20 ☌ / -5 ☏)īee and insect friendly: Yes Plant characteristics and classification of mother of thyme Plant order, origin and occurrence of mother of thyme Use in: ground cover, embankments, roof greening, group planting, planters, dry stone walls, area greening, flower garden, roof garden, heather garden, patio, Mediterranean garden, natural garden, rock garden, potted garden These information are for temperate climate! Soil quality: stony to sandy, calcipholous, moderately nutritious, low in humus Mother of thyme forms the most beautiful plant carpets. Plant order, origin and occurrence of mother of thyme.Plant characteristics and classification of mother of thyme.